viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Week 4 – Networked teacher.

Alex Couros, a professor of educational technology and media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, was the one to pass from this:

and this teaching community ideal:

To the actual PLN/PLE:

and developing it further to the PLCommunity

At some point, before a presentation in the Regina University, he decided to ask his colleagues what they think about “the Networked teacher” and here it is the result: AMAZING!

Here you can find Dr. Alec Couros interviewed by the author, professor and internet pioneer Howard Rheingold.

Also, as it’s mentioned in this video, I leave you the link to Dean Shareski blog entry about 'The Learning Project' (
It may not be totally related, but it’s about transparent teaching and I truly recommend that you take a look.

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